Avoid eating with your family or friends, often saying that you have already eaten or you are not hungry
You think the food you have been offered is unhealthy, too fatty or horrible
You start to wear really baggy clothes that hide your shape
You feel a need to excersise all the time
You always read the labels on food to see it’s ingredients, calories and nutitional information
You avoid eating with your family or friends and often you throw your lunch away
You eat more than usual inbetween main meals
You might stop wanting to do PE because of getting changed in front of your friends
You always seem to feel tired, you can’t concentrate on your work and you lack energy
These are just some of the signs that you may have an eatng disorder
Within school we have a number of people you can talk to.
We have our very own Mental Health First Aiders, who are fully qualified staff equipped to help you, they are;
Mrs Nicholls Mrs Parnell Mr Bryan Mr Monkman Miss Edwards Mrs Batley Mr Hall Mrs Vaughan Miss Daniels Ms Mundell Mrs Virgo Mr Griffin Mrs Shenton
Please approach any of them, they will help you or someone you know