
The Local Governing Body is responsible for promoting the vision of the Multi Academy Trust.

  • Promoting and delivering the Catholic Life
  • To monitor the School Development Plan
  • Support and challenge the Headteacher
  • Develop relationships with staff parents and the community
  • To ensure arrangements for Safeguarding are fully compliant with statutory requirements

Introduction to your school governors

“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.”   John 10:10

Dear Parents,

I am Sharon Smith the Chair of Governors for The Becket School and I would like to provide a brief introduction to the Becket School Local Governing Body (LGB) and the role of the Governors.

The Governing Body is made up of Foundation Governors who are appointed by the Bishop of Nottingham and up to two Parent Governors who are elected by parents.

The Governing Body’s role is strategic, and we are not involved in the day-to-day management and administration of the school.  Some Governors are Link Governors with a particular responsibility for monitoring and support in relation to areas of the school.  The Chair and Vice-chair are elected by the Governing Body annually.

The current Local Governing Body at The Becket School is made up of the following Governors:

  • Sharon Smith – Foundation Governor and Chair. Link Governor for Safeguarding and Curriculum.
  • Les Sullivan – Foundation Governor and Vice-chair. Link Governor for Catholic Life and Mission and RE.
  • Father John Martin – Foundation Governor.
  • Helen Neville – Foundation Governor. Link Governor for Website Compliance and Staff wellbeing.
  • Allistair Francis Solomonsz – Foundation Governor. Link Governor for SEND and Pupil Premium.
  • Julie Bigwood – Parent Governor.
  • Bernadette Rothwell – Parent Governor. Link Governor for Pupil wellbeing.

Our main responsibilities include ensuring that the Catholic character of the school is preserved, and to challenge and support the school with regard to Catholic Life and Mission, and educational standards. The LGB is crucial to driving up standards by challenging and holding the leadership team in the school to account and has a key role in the development of the school and ensuring it meets the needs of the children.

We also become involved in several areas including admissions, recruitment, complaints, exclusions, inspections, monitoring visits.

The role of Governor is a very worthwhile and rewarding role.  It requires commitment and enthusiasm, an interest in education, and the ability to challenge robustly whilst being able to listen and respect the views of others.

Details on becoming a school governor can be found on the Catholic Diocese of Nottingham website –

Sharon Smith – Chair of Governors – The Becket School

November 2024.

The Local Governing Body of The Becket School meet at least six times a year.

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