
The Becket Sixth

The Becket Sixth is one of the largest A level Sixth Forms in Nottinghamshire, and comprises well over 250 students drawn not only from the Becket School, but also from a wide variety of state and independent schools in the county and beyond.

Due to our academic success at Year 11 and also the strong supportive ethos of our school many internal students make the decision to continue their learning at The Becket School. In most years we have about two thirds of our Year 11 cohort staying on into our Sixth Form. We also welcome students who join us for the first time in Sixth Form. Each individual student brings a richness to the community and we hope that the views expressed by our students convey the welcoming and pleasant yet purposeful atmosphere of the Becket Sixth.

6th Form Admissions Policy

6th Form Prospectus

If you are already at The Becket School, please complete an application form expressing the A Level subjects you wish to study. The Becket Sixth will arrange an information and Guidance meeting to discuss your aspirations and possible choices.

If you are not presently at The Becket School and having read the information on this site, you decide that The Becket Sixth is the right place for you, please make an application. You will then be invited to come into school, with your parents, to discuss your career intentions and to ensure that your choice of subjects will enable you to achieve your goals.

If you are still unsure about whether to apply, please contact the school on 0115 9824282. We will be happy to answer your questions, show you around and introduce you to present students.

Important Information

Pupil Privacy Notice