LRC – Library

LRC – The Library

The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is on the first floor, above the main reception.

The room number is B8. Mrs Hopkins and Mrs McLaren are always happy to help you so please come and ask if you need help with finding a book, doing some research or anything else.

You can contact to ask a question or reserve a book:

  • Books –fiction and non-fiction

  • Computers and laptops with internet access

  • Chrome Books

  • Colour/Black and white printing facilities

  • University and College Prospectuses/Career Guides

  • Leaflets

  • Study facilities

  • Revision Guides


With your teachers.


12.30 to 1.15pm

Monday –Year 7, 8 and 11

Tuesday – Year 7, 8 and 11

Wednesday – Year 9, 10 and 11

Thursday – Year 9, 10 and 11

Friday – All Year Groups


Monday to Thursday until 4pm

Closed on Friday

How do I borrow books?

  • If you wish to borrow books, then bring them to  the LRC desk to be issued to your name.
  • You may borrow books for a period of 2 weeks.
  • The LRC staff will write the date your book is due back inside the book.
  • If you need your book for longer then you can renew it – just bring it to the LRC desk.
  • You are responsible for books you borrow. Please don’t give them to anyone else and take good care of them. Remember other people will want to borrow them after you.

How do I return books?

  • Please return your book by the due date written inside the book.
  • Put the book inside the returns box just outside the LRC or give it to one of the LRC staff.
  • Please do not return it to the shelf yourself as it will still be issued to your name.

What if my book is lost or damaged?

  • There will be a charge of £5 per lost book.
  • Please let the LRC staff know if your book is damaged.

Fiction is writing that is made-up (stories) and is the creation of an author’s imagination. These stories can be divided into different genres. A genre is a specific type of story. What do you like?

  • We have over 6000 fiction books.
  • You can find many of them on the main fiction shelf.
  • These books are ordered alphabetically by the authors surname. You will find a label showing the first 3 letters of the author’s surname on the spine i.e. Jeff Kinney = KIN
  • You can find more fiction books on our genre spinners. These books are ordered by genre.
  • You will find a genre sticker on the spine of each book. I.E.  Mystery, horror Sports etc

Non-Fiction is writing that deals with facts and true events. What will you find in the LRC?

  • We have over 5,500 non-fiction books.
  • These books are ordered by number using the Dewey Decimal System. This system places the books on the shelf by subject using numbers from 000 to 999

e.g. 610= Medicine.

  • It is called “decimal” because it uses numbers to the right of the decimal point for more detail g. 610.73=Nursing.
  • Each subject has its own group of numbers.
  • To find a non-fiction book on the shelf you need to know its Dewey number. You can find this by looking in the ‘Crack the Code’ booklet in the LRC. This booklet lists subjects alphabetically and gives you the Dewey number you need g. look under ‘U’ for UFOs = 001.942.
  • We also have Reference books such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias. These cannot be taken out of the LRC.
  • We have a book shelf that contains only Accelerated Reader (AR) books. You can take a quiz on these books to see how well you have read and understood them.
  • These books are both fiction and non-fiction.
  • The books on the AR shelf tend to be shorter, therefore easier to read in a shorter period of time e.g. during a library lesson.
  • These books are grouped by level. Each level has a different colour.
  • Each book has a coloured star stuck to the spine of the book that matches its level g. 3.0-3.9 = blue
  • A sticker on the front and inside the book tells you the exact level of that book.


  • You will take a reading assessment at the start of Year 7. This will give you your reading level. You will use this information to guide you when choosing which books to read.
  • Many fiction and some non-fiction books also have coloured stickers on the spine. You may also quiz on these books.

All years 7-11 will be completing in their English lessons over the next 4 weeks.

We have 16 desk top computers in the LRC. You can use them at lunchtime and after school. These computers are for doing school-related work – NOT for playing games and viewing social media etc.

We also have some laptops. These are available to use in the LRC at lunchtime and after school. Come to the LRC desk if you wish to sign one out.

Our colour photocopier is available to use for printing and photocopying school-related work.


The Becket Book Week is the first week in December. We have visits from authors and poets, reading and writing workshops, library activities and ‘dress up as a book character’ day.

Paired Reading Some Year 7 students are invited to read with a Year 12 partner once a week during registration.

The Brilliant Book Award This is a local, annual award involving schools across Nottinghamshire. Students in Year 7 read the nominated books and have the opportunity to meet some of the authors at various events. There is an inter-school quiz involving schools from across the county.

The CILIP Carnegie Medal This is awarded annually for an outstanding book written in English for children and young people. Students in Year 8 and 9 read the 8 shortlisted books between mid-March and mid-June, meeting weekly to discuss them. In early June they participate in book-related activities with Carnegie readers from another school. The whole thing finishes with a Lunchtime Carnegie Celebration and live link to the awards ceremony in London.

The LRC staff will:

Help you to find and use information.

Advise you about how to choose books effectively.

Help you to use the computers, laptops and Chromebooks.

Provide suitable resources for your school work and general reading.

Provide facilities for reading and studying.

Treat you with respect.

In return pupils are asked to:

Behave in a quiet and sensible manner so as to avoid disturbing other LRC users.

Eat, drink and play games somewhere else, not in the LRC. Bottled water is acceptable.

Leave the LRC tidy and put any litter in the bins provided.

Treat each other and the LRC staff with respect.

Keep to the school rules for using computers.

Look after the books, other resources, equipment and furniture.