Bursary Information

16 to 19 Bursary Fund

The Government through the Education Funding Agency have provided The Becket School with money to allocate to our sixth formers who need financial support to stay on in further education or training. This is called the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

It could help you with any education-related costs that may arise during the school year, including essentials like a meal during the day or transport to your school, college or training provider. Or you might need extra help to buy books, clothing or equipment for your course, or pay for educational visits.

How to Apply?

To apply for a bursary, you must be at least 16 years old and under 19 years old at the start of the academic year. You must also be taking part in full-time or part-time further education or training.

How much will I get?

There are two types of bursaries:

Vulnerable student bursary – you could receive up to £1,200 if you:

  • are in local authority care or you have recently left local authority care; or
  • receive Income Support or Universal Credit (a new benefit which will replace Income  Support) in your own name; or
  • are disabled and receive both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments (a new benefit which will replace Disability Living Allowance) in your own name.

Discretionary bursary – You can apply for a discretionary bursary if you aren’t eligible for a vulnerable bursary but you need financial help to stay on in further education or training.

Application Form Bursary Application 2024

If you have already been awarded a Bursary, please complete this form to make a claim