Option choices
In Y7 pupils enjoy having two hours each week of French and German, to give them an in-depth experience of studying each of those languages. This changes in Y8, as students will receive two hours of Modern Languages provision each week. This enables us to continue to deliver a wide range of subjects on a weekly basis, such as Art, Music, Drama, IT, DT and Food and Nutrition, as well as ensuring we continue to support our students in their language skills development. Therefore, we ask our Y7s to choose a language to specialise in from Y8 so they can really immerse themselves in it and continue to make excellent progress in their chosen language area.
Please find below a presentation on this language choice selection to support both students and parents/guardians in this process.
In Year 8 students study both History and Geography, at the end of Year 8 we ask students to select one of these subjects going into Year 9. This supports students in building the foundational knowledge and skills required in humanities before starting their GCSE studies later.
Please find below two presentations one on History and one on Geography to support students and parents/guardians in this process.
The google form link will go out on the Monday of the third week in June and will close on the Monday of the forth week in June. Year 8 parents will receive a letter outlining the process.
In Year 9 students will make their final GCSE option choice from a range of different subjects including. They will choose 1 from the following list: Art, Design Technology, Drama, Food and Nutrition, Music, Physical Education, Computer Science.
This choice will take place after The Easter holidays in Year 9, however it will have been supported by student assemblies, a presentation to parents/guardians, a Year 9 parents evening to talk to teachers and a detailed information booklet which you can find below.
The google form link will go out the day after the Year 9 parents evening and will close a week after. Year 9 parents will receive a letter outlining the process.