Studying Abroard

Guides to Studying Overseas

Applying abroad will require a lot of research; there are different systems for every country. There are also different requirements
when it comes to qualifications. However, most universities that you can apply to abroad will teach your course in English.

Please note that many universities outside the UK will ask for your school records as well as your exam results and predicted exam results. This is especially the case for universities in the USA. This will mean sending your marks from class work and home work carried out over about the three years before your application.

There are several guides to help you find your way round the maze of choices provided when considering study abroad:

Studying in the U.S.A.

The United States has a huge number of prestigious universities – the top ones like Harvard, Yale, Brown and MIT, will normally require the level of qualifications needed to Oxford and Cambridge in the UK.

However, if you have top GCSE grades, top AS grades and the prospect of the sort of top A Level grades that will earn you entry into one of the top Russell Group universities, then many of the top US universities should be accessible to you.

The majority of universities will require you to sit either a SAT or ACT exam before offering a place.

European Central Application Service

EUNiCAS is the European University Central Application service. You can apply for up to eight degree course, taught in English, in universities across Europe.

It also provides advice on choosing universities and courses as well as guidance on elements you need to cover in your application. It will let you know about open days, deadlines, and relevant events in the UK.