
“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fulness. John 10:10”

‘We ensure that our young psychologists are equipped with the necessary scientific knowledge, skills and vocabulary to develop a better understanding of themselves and the wider world. The psychology curriculum will enable our learners to value the importance of Psychological research and will promote curiosity of the human mind and behaviour.’

Mrs N Byrne ~ Leader of Learning

Psychology Statement Of Intent

Subject Leader: Mrs N Byrne

Email address:


What specification (syllabus) is being taught?

AQA A level Psychology (7182)

General overview

Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and is therefore directly relevant to your life. It is a fascinating subject as it seeks to understand why people behave as they do, and the complex workings of the human mind.

Who should take this course?

A Level Psychology involves studying a wide range of topics. There is a lot of information to absorb and, importantly, you will need to learn how to apply this knowledge. An important skill you will learn is how to evaluate conflicting theories about human behaviour. Engaging in practical psychological research will help you to improve your knowledge of the methods psychologists use.

Psychology combines well with most A Level courses. It is classified as a Science for

UCAS entry, but works well alongside any Humanities options. Psychology provides a useful foundation for any career dealing with people. Students who have studied A Level Psychology study for a diverse range of degrees including Psychology, Medicine,

Physiotherapy, Biomedical Sciences, Teaching and Sociology.

If all this sounds interesting then Psychology may be for you.

What are the entry requirements?

Students will not be expected to have studied Psychology at GCSE, but must satisfy the general entry requirements for A Level. Overall, at least 10% of the marks in assessments for Psychology will require the use of mathematical skills.

Therefore students should be working at a level of at least a level 5 in GCSE Mathematics. A grade 5 in English is also required.

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?

  • Paper 1 Introductory
    Topics in Psychology.

    2 hour examTerm 1 Year 1
  • Attachment
  • Memory

Term 2 +3 year 1

  • Social Psychology
  • PsychopathologyPaper 2
    Psychology in Context

    2 hour exam

    Term 1 Year 1
    Research Methods
    January Mock
    Term 2+3 Year 1

  • Approaches in Psychology
  • BiopsychologyPaper 3
    Options in Psychology

    2 hour exam

Term 1 Year 2

  • Cognition and Development
  • Schizophrenia

Term 2 +3 year 2

  • Issues and Debates
  • Aggression

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

As shown above the A level consists of 3 X 2 hour papers all of equal weighting.

Students also complete end of topic tests at the end of each unit ( around every 6 weeks over the year).

Question styles in Psychology vary and include multiple choice questions, labelling diagrams, drawing graphs, designing your own study based on a scenario, short answer and extended essay writing.

All key assessments are based on past exam questions and use official mark schemes.

We also have mock exams in January and after Easter in year 1 and 2

What can students do for revision at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

Students are presented with a hard copy and digital version of the Psychology textbook which contains quizzes and extension activities. Each unit of work also has a teacher designed workbook.

Our Google Classroom has lesson resources posted online – so if students want to revisit content previously studied in lessons it is easy to access

Here students can also find retrieval quizzes, information about revision conferences and summer schools, reading lists and recommended films to watch linked to our Psychology specification.

Useful websites

Past Papers AQA

Revision notes and past exam questions by topic (Physics and Maths Tutor)

British Psychological Society – Research Digest – the latest research to your Inbox