Live Simply

Live Simply

During the academic year 2024/2025 we shall endeavour to receive the CAFOD Live Simply Award. We will bring this to fruition through nine actions that will be inclusive of our school, local and global community and will reflect the three areas of focus for the award; to live simply, to live sustainably and to live in solidarity.

The nine actions we have committed to are:

    • Recognise the importance of the UN International Day of Peace on September 21st. The Prayer and Liturgy Mission Team will lead us in prayer and pledges.
    • Fairtrade Friday- The Justice and Peace Mission Team will run a fairtrade tuckshop every Friday.
    • Season of Creation art and photography competition- An opportunity to celebrate God’s creation. The winners will be shared with our parents and parishioners too.
    • Emmanuel House- During Advent, forms will donate items that are needed for our local homeless shelter in Nottingham.
    • Advent Community Liturgy- We will invite our governors, parents and parishioners to an evening of prayer and reflection, led by our students.
    • School grounds to be more sustainable- throughout the year, led by the Eco and Sustainability Mission Team, students will be caring for the flower beds in school, planting and growing flowers, creating a prayer focus and encouraging us to be better stewards.
    • Give a Gift Fundraiser- Our Lenten fundraiser, each form chooses a CAFOD World Gift to purchase and they then raise the money to buy it. Last year we raised over £3000 and hope to beat that this year!
    • Care for our Parishes- Students will be supporting our Parishes by litter picking and caring for their gardens.
    • Disconnect to Reconnect Day- We will be focusing on living a more simple and sustainable life by reducing our carbon footprint and disconnecting for the day.