
“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fulness. John 10:10”

‘Sociology teaches students to be critical thinkers – our students learn the language and theoretical framework to understand inequalities that have affected their lives and the lives of others in our global world.’
Mrs N Byrne ~ Leader of Learning

Sociology Statement Of Intent

Subject Leader: Mrs N Byrne
Email address:

What specification (syllabus) is being taught?


General overview

Sociology is designed to appeal to students who want to find out more about the world we live in.

To understand the extent we are both shaped by our society through institutions such as the political and education systems, but understand how our actions also shape social relationships and society.

As Sociologists you will learn about the tools required to research social life.

Who should take this course?

It is important you have a lively and enquiring mind and a desire to explore new ideas.

The ideal student will be interested in current affairs, social, political and contemporary culture – in short, the world around us. You will enjoy the intellectual challenge of debating ideas, enjoy reading about and researching social issues, and be prepared to construct clear, written arguments.

Many Sociology students have gone on to study Sociology or related degrees such as Criminology, Social Policy and Social Work. Future careers can include: Teaching, Social Work, Criminal Justice, Police, Probation Officer, Youth Worker, Public Relations, Journalism and Marketing.

What are the entry requirements?

Students will not be expected to have studied Sociology at GCSE, but must satisfy the general entry requirements for A Level including a level 5 or above in English.

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?

Paper 1
Education with Theory and methods (2 hours)

Term 1 – year 1
Term 2/3 – Year 1
Methods in Context applied to Education

Paper 2
Topics in Sociology
( 2 hours)

Term 1 – Year 1
Family and Households
Term 2/3 – year 1
Family and Households
Research Methods

Paper 3
Crime and Deviance with
Theory and Methods (2 hours)

Term 1 – Year 2
Beliefs in Society
Crime and Deviance
Term 2/3 – year 2
Sociological Theory and Methods

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

As shown above the A level consists of 3 X 2 hour papers all of equal weighting.

Students also complete mid and end of topic tests for each unit (around every 6 weeks over the year).

Questions in Sociology involve short answer responses relating to definitions of key concepts, application of knowledge and extended essay writing.

All key assessments are based on past exam questions and use official mark schemes.

Students also have mock exams in January and after Easter in year 1 and 2.

What can students do for revision at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

Students are presented with a hard copy and digital version of the Sociology textbook which contains quizzes and extension activities. Each unit of work also has a teacher designed workbook.

Our Google Classroom has lesson resources posted online – so if students want to revisit content previously studied in lessons it is easy to access

Here students can also find retrieval quizzes, information about revision conferences and summer schools, reading lists and recommended films to watch linked to our Sociology specification.

Useful websites
Past Papers AQA
The Sociology Guy