
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out” – Proverbs 18:15

In Mathematics, our ambitious curriculum is designed to help our pupils become deep and critical mathematical thinkers.

Our curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge and insight to see and reason the world through a mathematical lens.

Mr T Pickup ~ Leader of Learning

Mathematics Curriculum Intent

Subject Leader: Mr T Pickup
Email address:

What specification (syllabus) is being taught?

Pearson Edexcel A Level Mathematics

General overview

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to understand
mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence,
fosters enjoyment and provides a strong foundation for progress to further study.

Students will be able to extend their range of mathematics skills and techniques
obtained in GCSE, and use these to solve challenging problems and generalise
mathematically through algebraic concepts and modelling, as well as be aware of
the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in

Who should take this course?

A student who is looking to:

– extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques
– understand coherence and progression in mathematics
– see how different areas of mathematics are connected
– apply mathematics in other fields of study
– use their mathematical knowledge to make logical and reasoned decisions in solving problems both within pure mathematics and in a variety of contexts
– recognise when mathematics can be used to analyse and solve a problem in context
– take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical development.

What are the entry requirements?

Grade 6 or more at GCSE Higher Mathematics (Grade 7 or more is preferable)

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?


Year 1 Pure:
– Algebraic Expressions
– Quadratics
– Equations and Inequalities
– Graphs and Transformations
– Straight Line Graphs
– Circles
– Algebraic Methods
– The Binomial Expansion
– Trigonometric Ratios
– Trigonometric Identities and Equations
– Vectors
– Differentiation
– Integration
– Exponentials and Logarithms

Year 1 Statistics and Mechanics:
– Data Collection
– Measures of Location and Spread

Curriculum Information

A Level Maths
– Representation of Data
– Correlation
– Probability
– Statistical Distributions
– Hypothesis Testing
– Modelling in Mechanics
– Constant Acceleration
– Forces and Motion
– Variable Acceleration


Year 2 Pure:
– Algebraic Methods
– Functions and Graphs
– Sequences and Series
– Binomial Expansion
– Radians
– Trigonometric Functions
– Trigonometry and Modelling
– Parametric Equations
– Differentiation
– Numerical Methods
– Integration
– Vectors

Year 2 Statistics and Mechanics:
– Regression, Correlation and Hypothesis Testing
– Conditional Probability
– Normal Distribution
– Moments
– Forces and Friction
– Projectiles
– Application of Forces
– Further Kinematics

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

End of Year 12

– students will sit two Mock papers at the end of Year 12 – 1 Pure Mathematics Paper and 1 Statistics and Mechanics Paper

End of Year 13 (A-Level Qualification)

Three A-Level Papers [each worth a ⅓ of the qualificaƟon]
– Paper 1: Pure Mathematics (2 hours)
– Paper 2: Pure Mathematics (2 hours)
– Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics (2 hours)

What can students do for revision at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

Pure 1 & 2 and Statistics and Mechanics 1 & 2 Practice Books:
– These provide additional questions and problems to run alongside the main textbooks. Easily available to buy (e.g. from Amazon).

Useful Websites with lots of supporting material (exam questions/videos/etc.):
Maths and Physics Tutor
Maths Genie
Dr. Frost
Crash Maths

Subject Leader: Mr T Pickup
Email address:

What specification (syllabus) is being taught?

AQA Certificate Level 3 Mathematical Studies
(Option A Statistical techniques)

General overview

Level 3 Mathematical Studies is also known as Core Maths and is a qualification designed to improve student’s confidence in Mathematics and to support their learning in other A-level subjects. Core Maths looks at key skills needed to collect, analyse and interpret statistical data. It also covers many areas of personal finance including; how to interpret a payslip, which savings accounts are best, understanding mortgages and calculating the cost of student loans.

Who should take this course?

Students who are studying A-levels which contain some level of mathematical content (but who are not studying A-level Mathematics). A-levels which contain some mathematical content and therefore the student would benefit from taking Core Maths are:

Business Studies, Economics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology.

What are the entry requirements?

Grade 5 in GCSE Mathematics

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?

The key topics are:

Critical Analysis
Analysis of Data
Maths for personal finance
Statistical techniques

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

Students will be assessed through two exam papers. Each paper is 1.5hours long and
will take place during the summer exam period in Year 12.

What can students do for revision at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

To prepare for this course students need to be confident with key skills taught at GCSE, in particular skills related to percentages, interpreting data and analysing data.

Material will not be provided as students can use material from their GCSE Mathematics course to prepare.

Subject Leader: Mr T Pickup
Email address:

What specification (syllabus) is being taught?

Pearson Edexcel A Level Further Mathematics

General overview

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to understand
mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence,
fosters enjoyment and provides a strong foundation for progress to further study.

Students will be able to extend their range of mathematics skills and techniques
obtained in GCSE, and use these to solve challenging problems and generalise
mathematically through algebraic concepts and modelling, as well as be aware of
the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in

Further Mathematicians have the opportunity to study A Level concepts in more
depth, as well as studying mathematical concepts that are often continued in Higher

Students who study Further Mathematicians will have the opportunity to be
entered for an AS level exam in Year 12

Who should take this course?

A student who is looking to:

– extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques
– understand coherence and progression in mathematics
– see how different areas of mathematics are connected
– apply mathematics in other fields of study
– use their mathematical knowledge to make logical and reasoned decisions in solving problems both within pure mathematics and in a variety of contexts
– recognise when mathematics can be used to analyse and solve a problem in context
– reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning
– construct mathematical proofs
– make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions by using mathematics reasoning
– read and comprehend mathematical arguments, including justifications of methods and formulae, and communicate their understanding
– take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical development.

What are the entry requirements?

Grade 7 or more at GCSE Higher Mathematics (Grade 8 or more is preferable)

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?


Year 1 Core Pure:
– Complex Numbers
Curriculum Information
A Level Further Maths
– Argand Diagrams
– Series
– Roots of Polynomials
– Volumes of Revolutions
– Matrices
– Linear Transformations
– Proof by Induction
– Vectors

Year 1 Further Statistics 1:
Discrete Random Variables
– Poisson Distributions and Hypothesis Testing
– Chi-squared Tests

Year 1 Further Mechanics 1:
– Momentum and Impulse
– Work, Energy and Power
– Elastic Collisions in One Dimension


Year 2 Core Pure:
– Complex Numbers
– Series
– Methods in Calculus
– Volume of Revolution
– Polar Coordinates
– Hyperbolic Functions
– Methods in Differential Equations
– Modelling with Differential Equations

Year 2 Further Statistics 1
– Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions
– Geometric Distribution Hypothesis Testing
– Central Limit Theorem
– Probability Generating Functions
– Quality of Tests

Year 2 Further Mechanics 1:
– Elastic Springs and Strings
– Elastic Collisions in Two Dimensions

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

End of Year 12 (AS-Level Qualification)
All of the assessments from the AS-Level Mathematics course plus,
Two AS-Level Papers [each worth a 50% of the qualification]
– Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics (1 hour 40 minutes)
– Paper 2: Further Statistics and Further Mechanics (1 hour 40 minutes)

End of Year 13 (A-Level Qualification)
All of the assessments from the AS-Level Mathematics course plus,
Four A-Level Papers [each worth a 25% of the qualification]
– Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics (1 hour 30 minutes)
– Paper 2: Core Pure Mathematics (1 hour 30 minutes)
– Paper 3: Further Statistics 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)
– Paper 4: Further Mechanics 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)

What can students do for revision at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

Pure 1 & 2 and Statistics and Mechanics 1 & 2 Practise Books:
– These provide additional questions and problems to run alongside the main textbooks. Easily available to buy (e.g. from Amazon).

Useful Websites with lots of supporting material (exam questions/videos/etc.):
Maths and Physics Tutor
Maths Genie
Dr. Frost
Crash Maths