
“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fulness. John 10:10”


Economics Statement Of Intent

Subject Leader: Mr J Bestwick
Email address:

What specification (syllabus) is being taught?

Edexcel Economics A

General overview

Economics is about choice and the impact of our choices on each other. It relates to every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals or families to the structures created by governments and firms. An economic way of thinking can help you make better choices.

Who should take this course?

Economics could be the right subject for you if you enjoy discussing economic issuessuch as inequality, immigration and how we should pay for healthcare. You will alsobe comfortable in using and interpreting data to analyse economic problems and discussing alternative courses of action. You will enjoy keeping up to date with national and international trends and reading economic news stories. You will be equally at ease with using numeracy skills as well as writing essays.

What are the entry requirements?

Minimum grade 5 in Maths and English.

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?

In Theme 1 you will be introduced to microeconomics which considers the nature of economics, how markets work and why they fail, and how government intervention can lead to an improved outcome.

In Theme 2 you will be introduced to macroeconomics where you will learn about key performance indicators such as economic growth and government economic policy in a UK context.

In Theme 3 you will develop your knowledge of microeconomics and explore how businesses grow and compete, the labour market and how the government intervenes to make markets work better.

In Theme 4 you will further your understanding of macroeconomics as you explore international trade, inequality within and between countries, emerging and developing economies, and the public finances. You will also have an opportunity to consider the role and impact of the financial sector.

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

A-level assessment consists of three x 2 hour written exams taken at the end of the two-year course. These include:

Paper 1: Short-answer, data response and essay questions on markets and business behaviour – this is the content you study in Theme 1 and Theme 3. (microeconomics)

Paper 2: Short-answer, data response and essay questions on the national and global economy – this is the content you study in Theme 2 and Theme 4. (macroeconomics)

Paper 3: The questions in the exam – data response and essay questions – cover concepts and theory from the whole course.

What can students do for revision at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

They will receive work booklets which have been written and developed in-house by Mr Bestwick as well as a course textbook to help with their wider reading and aid their understanding. This will be in addition to creating their own notes.

Useful websites include:
 A Level BBC
Tutor 2 U
EconplusDal – A Level Economics short videos
Edexcel Economics

Economics Factory