Design & Technology

“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fulness. John 10:10”

‘In Design and Technology our objective is to develop creative, thoughtful designers who have the skills and understanding to produce relevant and necessary products that are fit for the 21st century. If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.’ – Ken Robinson

Mr R Fowler ~ Leader of Learning

Design & Technology Statement Of Intent

Subject Leader: Mr R Fowler
Email address:

What specification (syllabus) is being taught?

AQA – A Level Design and Technology – Product Design (7552)

General overview

The study of Product Design gives students the opportunity to problem find and problem solve; to explore, create and evaluate their solutions to real world issues that affect us and the environment we live in.

The course has both practical and theory elements that enable them to expand upon their knowledge gained at GCSE and one in which they can develop both their design, developmental, testing and making skills.

The course is 50% coursework (non examined assessment) and 50% examination.

The coursework folder allows students to select their own context and product to design, develop and make, thus enabling them to explore and make a product suited to their own interests.

Who should take this course?

If you enjoy being creative, taking your design ideas and turning them into actual working products, then this is the course for you.

The course provides you with the opportunity to work on your own design ideas, allowing you to create design solutions and test their potential. You will have access to laser cutters, plasma cutters and welding equipment, along with a wide range of hand power tools and materials.

A-Level Product Design is an exciting and rewarding practical course where you will have the opportunity to continue to develop your knowledge of processes, materials and their properties to enable you to give informed judgements when designing and making products.

The course will be of interest to anyone wishing to pursue a career in the field of product design, engineering and architecture. Coupled with A Levels in Mathematics and/or Physics it is an ideal combination for those design courses with a bias towards engineering such as industrial design, civil engineering or automotive design. Linked to an A-Level in Art and Design, it will equip students for the more aesthetically biased courses such as consumer product design, graphic and packaging design.

What are the entry requirements?

Minimum Requirements: Grade 5 in Design and Technology

What are the key topics and themes?

When will they be taught?

The course is split into 2 Units.
1. A design and make project where they produce a design portfolio with photographic evidence of the final prototype. 50% of A-level (NEA) – coursework

2. Across the two years students will study the following, to be assessed at the end of Year 13 through two exams (50% of A –level):

● Materials and their applications
● Performance characteristics of materials (wood, metals, polymers and paper
and boards)
● Processing materials
● Industrial practice
● Product design considerations
● Design methods
● Design processes
● Responsible design

How will students be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

Students will be assessed at the end of Year 13 through two exams

What can students do for revision at home?
What materials are provided or available online?

Classroom resources are shared via Google Classroom and revision resources are also shared in this way.