“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fulness. John 10:10”
‘Our intention is for students to work hard by becoming the very best scientific thinkers and problem solvers. To be kind considering others and the world in which we live so that they can do the right thing following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.’
Mr J Lindley ~ Leader of Learning for Science
Subject Leader: Mrs L Thorpe
Email address: l.thorpe@becketonline.co.uk
What specification (syllabus) is being taught?
AQA 7405- A Level
General overview
Chemistry at A Level is a challenging and exciting subject which includes real world contexts and an appreciation of the work of scientists. The A Level Chemistry courses have been designed to be a practical experience, with students undertaking both practical and theory work.
The practical activities included will help the students to consolidate their understanding of the main aspects of Chemistry and equip them with the skills required to study this subject at higher levels. The course is designed to prepare students for progression either into higher education or employment and to develop their interest and enthusiasm in Chemistry.
Who should take this course?
A Level Chemistry allows you to develop your understanding of Chemistry by delving deeper into the subject than at GCSE.
Through your studies you’ll form independent theories and areas of interest which you could take further at university and beyond.
An A Level in Chemistry is necessary for anyone wishing to study Chemistry or Chemical Engineering at degree level. It is also very important for anyone hoping for a career in the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry or the environmental sciences. Chemistry is highly regarded as a qualification in itself and is used to demonstrate academic ability to pursue careers in many professions including Law, Business, Architecture and Accounting.
What are the entry requirements?
GCSE Separate Science: Grade 6 in Chemistry and at least one other Science
GCSE Combined Science: Grade 6 in both, and Grade 5 in Maths
What are the key topics and themes?
When will they be taught?
Chemistry is split into 3 main areas, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry. All of these areas are covered in depth at AS Level, with further application of the key ideas at A2 Level.
In Year 12, the topics include Atomic structure, Amount of substance, Bonding, Energetics, Kinetics, Group2, Group7 , Organic analysis and Alkanes, Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes and Alcohols.
In Year 13 the topics include Thermodynamics, further Kinetics and Equilibrium, Electrode Potentials, Acids and Bases, Transition Metals, a further study of organic analysis and structure determination. In
Year 13 there is also a further study of more functional groups and a study of the chemistry of biological molecules and polymers.
How will students be assessed?
When do these assessments take place?
There are 6 required practicals in Year 12 and a further 6 in Year 13 although we carry out many more practicals throughout the course in order to improve their practical skills.
Learners are required to complete all practical work in a lab book.
Units for Year 12:
Two written papers which also include questions on the required practicals.
Units for Final A-level:
Three written papers, which also include questions on the required practicals.
What can students do for revision at home?
What materials are provided or available online?
We provide revision material via Google Classroom for all students but in addition the following are useful sites. We provide every student with a text book for personal use throughout the course which they return at the end of each year. We also source revision guides that students can buy at reduced cost in school.
Maths and Physics tutor
A Level Chemistry- for notes and question
Allery Chemistry
Chemguide- for notes