Physical Education

“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fulness.  John 10:10”

“To promote physical wellbeing and a healthy active lifestyle, and encourage lifelong participation in physical activity.”


Statement Of Intent

Subject Leader: Mr D Marlow

Email address:

What Specification (syllabus) is being taught?

OCR – Physical Education

What are the key topics and themes? When will they be taught?

Three practical activities and one written controlled assessment over the  course – coursework/ controlled assessment units – 40%

Two written examinations in the summer (Year 11) J587/01 and J587/02 (60%)

How will my son or daughter be assessed?

When do these assessments take place?

Staff have assessed practical activities and controlled assessment by March (Year 11)

● J587/01 – Physical factors affecting performance. 1 hour written examination.

● J587/02– Social Cultural Issues and Sports Psychology. 1 hour written examination.

● All specification content completed by March (Year 11).

What can my son or daughter do to support their learning at home?

What materials are provided or available online?

● Attend coursework sessions to complete coursework due March Year 11

● Attend revision sessions as per timetable

● Attend Easter holiday revision session with PE Department staff

● Use The Becket PE Revision Booklets and The Becket KS4 Knowledge Organisers. These will be accessible via the Year 11 PE Google Classroom.

Past papers can be found at: OCR Mark schemes are also found on this link and can help to see what examiners expect in answers or to mark a paper students have completed.

Many revision sites try to cover several examination boards. Students need to be aware of this when revising and if in doubt check with the teacher/ specification that they have.

My PE Exam

BBC Education

Teach PE